Sunday 10 July 2011

Is it Us or Them?

 I mean men and woman...
Sunday afternoon...I come home at about 4pm, I worked this weekend!
Saturday, here at my local job in the clinic and today in Brisbane, on a Pamper Cruise.
Im feeling tierd!
And as I walk in the door, I cant help but notice the garbage bag, I left there the night before to be taken out!
My Partner  was home all weekend with our 18month old daughter...And I think to myself, how do we "us woman" do it?
Baby is asleep, and he is busily doing last nights dishes.
Ho do we manage to do all the things we get done? How do we cope with it all while they cant even undo the swimming bag from Saturday morning? (its still sitting on the lounge floor, wet towel and bathers still inside)...Yet I stay calm, and I wonder...Is it us or them?
Do we just try do always do too much?
Maybe they are not so wrong to not notice all those little things that at the end of the day are really nothing, trivial!!
I often have thought that He was able to give better quality time to Tullula, as he did not think of the things that had to be done like I do...Its true that when she is with me she ends up windging, as I'm always disapering to get this or that done...
So maybe after all  it is us!!!
But for sure there is a limit, when I go to the loo, the paper roll holder is left empty, sure a new roll has been taken out, its sitting on the toilet head, right next to the old empty one!!!!
I have to laugh!!!
We truly are wonder woman! I send all my best wishes to you all out there, getting it all done, keeping it all together in silent! As we do!!!
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